Reviews for From 9 to 5
‘Anne Wyeth shows us that Solomon Isarebe is still a man for our age: an iconoclast; a free thinker; an intellectual revolutionary. Miss this book at your peril.’
‘Wyeth is an extraordinary biographer; human and present, but always leaving her subject as the star of the show. And what a star she has rediscovered in Solomon Isarebe.’
‘Are you going to buy this one? A book on economics, demography and a spectral misanthrope? Perhaps if I also mention it is about murder, love and the very survival of the planet, you might sit up and take notice. You should. Wyeth has written a blinder.’
‘I’m not sure I would have gone out for a beer with Solomon Isarebe, but I would have trusted him with my life. Anne Wyeth has written the definitive work on this 21st century genius.’
‘This book was sold to me as the book accompanying the forthcoming exhibition ‘From 9 to 5’. It is so much more. Buy it for the photos alone.
‘Don’t expect an easy read. It is dense, disturbing, dark and at times intellectually challenging, but it finally leads you in to the light – in to the mind and imagination of Solomon Isarebe.’
‘I have Anne Wyeth on App-rise, whether she is delivering a speech, appearing on a panel, curating a show or publishing one of her little gems (she evens write poetry, g*@dam it!). She is a peach and From 9 to 5 is a melba.’
‘This is not a book for a single sitting, unless you are a literary masochist. Spread the pleasure over time, like jam over fresh bread.’
‘Solomon Isarebe is possibly the most irritating person to have stepped on God’s earth, but unfortunately one of the most important too. I guess you’d better read this.’
‘I rate most books on writing style, originality, mind-stretching-ness and how many times I laugh out loud. This book scores zero on the last, but 10/10 on everything else.’
‘Anne Wyeth reminds us how much has changed between 2050 and 2150, but also how much in the human realm will forever remain the same. A minor triumph.’
‘And then there was love. Wyeth has made me fall in love with Arem Johns all over again. I would have been so much better for her than that beast Solomon Isarebe!’
‘Solomon Isarebe was the most optimistic pessimist who ever lived. Anne Wyeth’s biography reminded me how much we need such contrarians.’
‘I was never convinced Solomon Isarebe was much of an economist, but he was a helluva politician, even though I don’t think he realised it. Thank you Solomon. Thank you Anne.’
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