Chicago Brent
Chicago, native of California, has held research posts at UCLA Los Angeles and the University of Newcastle. A renowned expert on political strategy, he has written biographies on US President Davis Geerson and Mica Akello, perhaps the most influential person in African politics in the 22nd century. His latest book, published by Coil Press in 2148, Thought v Numbers, compares political strategies in the post-digital age to those dominating discourse in the late 21st century.
Mavis Habrant (NAA)
Mavis has written 23 biographies on composers, conductors and musical theorists, including the definitive biography of Vaughn Williams (Lark Ascending, Lark Descending, Coil Press, 2139). Mavis is also a violinist of repute, having been guest soloist with the London Philharmonic in 2148, at the age of 79. She was awarded the NAA for services to music in 2141.
Mavis is author representative on the Coil Press board.
Tomas Harding
Tomas now works as an advisor to the United Nations on ethics in science, following a long career as an academic ethicist, first at the University of Prague and latterly at Oxford University. He has written biographies on many of the great scientific figures of the 22nd century, including the Merry sisters and Gerry Marn. His latest work looks at the experimental techniques of Diffy-May Lee, and the success she had in identifying at-birth markers of psychological disorders (Birth Defects, Coil Press, 2149).
Dr Karin Laurent-Schmidt
Karin is one of our longest standing authors, as well as being a full-time Consultant Paediatrician at Kings College Hospital, London and a part-time athletics coach. In her early 20s, she represented the United Kingdom in the Abuja Olympics of 2120, placing 4th in the Triple Jump.
She has written biographies on some of the most successful medical, pharmaceutical and surgical innovators of the last 300 years, including Yan Karkovsky, Davina Nicewicz and Stanley McNiece.
Keven Leicester
Keven has recently published the third volume of his work on Minnie Faurster, the early 22nd century author, whom Keven believes ‘…redefined the novel, as Dickens did in the 19th century, Kerouac did in the 20th century and Barry did in the 21st century’. Kevin has spent his life examining Faurster’s work, both as an ardent fan and academic. The latest and final volume in the trilogy covers Faurster’s later years (Minnie Faurster, Volume 3: Redemption (2132 to 2146), Coil Press, 2149).
Jago Pieterson
Jago’s father, Master, was one of the early collectors of innovative software of the 21st century. On his death, Master bequeathed his collection to the National Museum of Machine Intelligence in Boston. Jago inherited his father’s interest in the lives of the masters of coding and is a trustee of the museum that houses his family collection. Jago’s latest book looks at the life of the eccentric software genius K.L. Marmose (2035-2120) whose transformed the world of payment systems in the late 21st century (The Mouse Behind the Skirting Board, Coil Press, 2149).
Professor Didi Sanclair
Didi Sanclair is Professor of Sex and Gender at LMU München. In 2144, she wrote her first biography (The Life of Jenny, Coil Press, 2144), about the former sex worker Jenny Kiss-Kinder, who successfully lobbied the Australian government to liberalise and legalise prostitution. Kiss-Kinder went on to found Kiss Kinder at Home, a home-delivery sex service, which employed 126,000 men and women by the time of Kiss-Kinder’s death in 2129.
Albert Smith
Albert Smith lives and breathes heavy industry, ‘…the smoking, bleeding, diseased and dying heart of the great world economies.’ Raised in Sheffield, the former steel-town, he studied Industrial History at the University of Sheffield, before becoming a curator at the Museum of Industrial Heritage in Bologna. In 2135 he returned to the UK, where he has produced and presented programmes on industrial history for the BIBC, among others.
Albert has written biographies on some of the industrial giants of the 19th century including Henry Ford, Andrew Carnegie and Cornelius Vanderbilt, alongside a plethora of books on early car manufacturers in the USA and Europe.
Dr. Susanna Takahashi
Susanna, or ‘Taka’ as she is universally known, was born in Hong Kong, but moved to the USA as a child. She has written over 20 books on global politics and war and is widely recognised as the greatest living authority on the Migration Wars of the late 2090s.
In 2145 she wrote a biography of Samira Sharma, the former Prime Minister of India, which won the Pulitzer Prize for Biography (Maan, Coil Press, 2145).
She recently accepted a position as Visiting Professor at Brown University.
Anne Wyeth (NAA)
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